The most-anticipated character, Ramayana, directed by Nitesh Tiwari, was announced by Namit Malhotra on this Wednesday. Taking to Instagram, Namit is also revealed that the film will release in 2 parts. While Ramayana Part One will Boom the theatres in 2026, Part Two of the film will be released in 2027. Alos Yash is finally confirmed he is playing RAVANA
In Nitesh Tiwari’s Ramayana: Most Powerful character to play as an actor.
Ramayana poster, release date announced
Namit Malhotra currently reveal the first poster, Poster is describing an arrow against a fiery sky. Sharing it, he captioned the post, More than a decade ago, I embarked on a noble quest to bring this epic that has ruled billions of hearts for over 5000 years to the big screen. And today, I am thrilled to see it taking shape beautifully as our teams work tirelessly with only one purpose: to present the most authentic, sacred, and visually stunning adaptation of our history, our truth, and our culture – our RAMAYANA–for people across the world.”
About Ramayana casts
As per news, Ranbir Kapoor will play Lord Ram, and Sai Pallavi will be seen as Sita in Ramayana. Yash is confirmed that he will be playing Ravana in the film. Lara Dutta will essay the role of Kaikeyi, Sunny Deol is palying Hanuman and Sheeba Chaddha will seen as Manthara. A quick picture from the set of the film featuring Ranbir and Sai in costumes went viral on social media earlier.
Yash playing Ravana Role
Earlier., Yash spoke about his role during a conversation with Namit Malhotra of Prime Focus. Yash had said, “If the character is treated like a character, if this doesn’t happen today, then the film won’t happen. To make a film with that kind of budget, you need those kinds of actors to come together and work on the project. It must be beyond yourself. We must place the project and the vision first.”
Fans Reaction to announcement
Fans reacted “Join us as we fulfill our dream of bringing our greatest epic to life with pride and reverence…Part 1 in Diwali 2026 and Part 2 in Diwali 2027. From our entire Ramayana Family,Reacting to the post, a fan said, “The most awaited Magnum Opus—so excited!” A comment read, “So excited.” An Instagram user commented, “All the best to you @iamnamitmalhotra and your team Wishing you guys massive success.” A person wrote, “Super excited.”